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Old 11-29-2007, 02:02 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

This has been going on for months.
I obviously kept a lid on it as I was asked to do.
But once it was leaked I spoke out.
I guess EK and other shops (by the way, there are others) are allowed to talk about this frivolous and childish lawsuit in their places of business (I visit on occasion) but are NOT allowed to respond on forums and in writing, while the lawsuit is under way. This is not a rumor, it's a real lawsuit. Because it is the real deal, don't expect to hear from those directly involved until the suit's resolution.

It's sad the levels that some shops and other businesses stoop to make a buck through backstabbing and other non-straight up means. If you can't provide better service and products, just sue and attempt to out last them with your trust funds? Lame.

I witnessed this kind of stuff on a regular basis while working for Daryl.
Most of it I never discussed, because people wouldn't believe me anyway, and what's the point, really. I loved working with Daryl, his wife and his crew, but I have to say, the politics (mainly of other shops) was disturbing to be around on a regular basis.

This particular fiasco is just one of many I have seen Real participate in.
The really dumb thing about this one is that the paper trail is going to be a matter of public record soon, not heresay, and it will shed plenty of light on Real and their true character.

BTW, I can understand trademarking "Zero to Hero". It's a very catchy name. It is associated with Real and a DVD they put out.
Even though they didn't come up with the term (not even close) it still makes sense to corner it.
Water time and ground control though? In addition, EK doesn't even give lessons. Nevertheless, they are being sued for using the term WATER TIME.
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