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Old 11-15-2006, 08:43 AM
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bryanleighty bryanleighty is offline
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Default Car situation...

Is there a spot near to Bongo's where I can park a car tonight to have it there for me at the finish line??

I am going to do EVERYTHING I can to make it out for the race and really would like to get my vehicle there tonight..

I just picked up an older full sized Bronco so I can car pool at least 3 other riders back to the St. Pete area after the race. I am going to be on a SERIOUS time crunch as tomorrow was already filled to the brim for me w/o the race.

I am going to be dropped off at the start by someone on their way to work..I dont know if he will have any room for an additional rider or two.. but I will let you know ASAP..

Your mother flies a C-kite.

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