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Old 05-19-2008, 12:14 PM
Tom Stock
Posts: n/a

I've been riding strapless for awhile ever since I sprained my foot. It was too swollen to fit into a strap, so I started with a surfboard, but shallow water made that impractical. So I took one of my old (actually my first) home made boards, removed the pads, straps and fins, and waxed it up. It's a 127x39 and I figured it would be too small to work.... wrong!

Rode it out at backside in 15 knots and 2" of water and it was awesome. Could go upwind easily and raced Scott on his glide and stayed with him no problem.

Tried a few kick flips with no luck, but I could do shove-its, ollies, and surface handle passes pretty easily.

The only hard part was finding it when I fell... it was practically invisible with no fins or straps sticking up from the surface.
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