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Old 05-31-2006, 08:49 PM
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bryanleighty bryanleighty is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: St. Petersburg, FL
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I have plans to hit OWC this weekend.. otherwise I would say I'm in...
if that falls through (possible) I will be there..

following weekend is rest/GF time..

the next , next weekend I am driving to Hatteras for 4 days...

the weekend after tho.. no plans for me...

If you guys can pull that fu.cker outta there and I cant make it.. count me in a for buying rounds for everyone at the undertow (or bar of choice)..

and Tom is 100000000000% correct.

I was told to NOT kite there by my instructor and others on the web forum until I could kite upwind ... I didnt hit Skyway or Backside until i could go upwind with ease and I still consider backside to be a very unsafe area and only ride there because with these NW winds its the only close, flat water area... add that it FREAKIN STINKS there lately and its just fortifies that place as an area of last resort (hey.. gotta kite ya know..!)

i know that Victoria is out there lately and I know that everyone that is out there watches for her.. If someone can remind her again about the boat hull.. please do.. she seems to be very conscious about walking out a long ways and says far off the beach and away from the trees, etc.

But I guess if you are aware of your surroundings in any area and understand that you need to get the hell away from the small beach area .. you are doing the best you can for the conditions. most all the folks out there that are not going upwind consitently are doing this.
Your mother flies a C-kite.

Area Launches:
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