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Old 11-28-2007, 06:44 PM
clamike clamike is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Miami, FL
Posts: 46
Default Take our spots back

It is time that the local riders take their spots back over. There is limited space already, and more kite bans looming. We can't let our only riding spots go the way of Virginia Key, just so some people can make a buck off our sport.

As a community we need to secure our spots so we can continue to enjoy kiting in Miami. If there is one incident at either Mathesson or Crandon we can lose both spots at once. If you watch the way the lessons are being given that incident may not be far off. Teaching in onshore winds, flying kites in the parking lot and using a suicide leash (or not even teaching them how to use the safety system) with our students is a recipe for disaster. When is the last time you saw anybody teaching the self rescue?

As a school we do make money off of teaching, but this is not about closing down other schools. As Paul said, we can't possibly do all the lessons out there. What we need is greater responsibility from our schools. We do our best not to crowd local spots, and we don't bring our students into crowded obstacle-laced areas until they have the skills neccessary to handle these conditions. If others did the same, then as riders we would have more room to kite, and our spots would be safer. Believe me there is plenty of room for teaching, but it does take more effort (and money) to access it. I would be happy to help other instructors utilize these areas in an effort to keep our spots open.

In memory of kiting the waves off of Virginia, we are offering local riders the option of coming on the boat to the sandbars off Virginia so we can kite the waves. Please contact us if you are interested.

Let's be proactive before it is too late,

Mike Minichiello
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