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Old 08-21-2007, 10:05 AM
Optionryder420 Optionryder420 is offline
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Originally Posted by Stevil Kenevil View Post
I hope the guy is OK.I am both sad and very angry that this happened, please pardon my tone...
newbies riding at the sketchiest launch in town at night??? WTF?
monkey see, monkey do-This kind of sh@t has to stop RIGHT NOW
there are no less than 10 certified instructors around here now, no reason for this to happen. no more "cowboys" and no more friends teaching friends. If you're not a PASA or IKO certified instructor DO NOT TEACH ON OUR BEACH. BELIEVE ME FOLKS, I WILL CALL YOU OUT WITHOUT HESITATION OR REGRET.
Its about time we address these type of situations to protect our access.
That's funny. You'll call us out for teaching without a certification huh. I was teaching my friend David before he left for vacation, I'm not certified.

I believe IKO and PASA are just some commercial brands that sell certifications, see if I care that some of the instructors have some piece of paper that says they can teach how to kite.

Sounds to me like NOBODY was teaching this guy, so that's his own fault, nobody elses.

Most of us are grown ups and as so we should be able to accept the responsibility of ourselves, not others.

Take the "holier then thou" attitude and get the hell out of here with it.
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