Thread: 2008 Waroos
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Old 01-17-2008, 04:18 PM
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absolutely regarding the comparison...

At my weight, the 2006 9m only comes out in pretty litt up conditions.. maybe w/ the new kites and them having some better low end production I can get more time on it. I'd love to cover 80% of our conditions with a 9/13 split.

i rode the 12m waroo as my lightwind kite for a couple months before buying the 16.. I really was able to cover a lot of wind conditions with that kite. Once I got the 16 I got pretty lazy at trying to eek out power from a small kite when I had the large one in the car..

I tend to rig larger kites to ensure I have the power.. I am really trying to learn kiteloops and riding smaller kites with a bit less power might make them a little less painful.
Your mother flies a C-kite.

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