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Old 03-06-2009, 05:58 PM
Unimog Bob Unimog Bob is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Parrish
Posts: 771

Hi there Airush,

Congrats on getting into school. I have a Master's in Environmental Engineering from UF and took a bunch of science classes at USF along the way.
First off, I would pursue Chemical Engineering (if you have equal interest in both subjects). Much higher chance of getting a good job, imo. Broader field to start and other advantages. That's coming from a guy that focused on marine stuff with my degree, btw.
I mainly hopped on to stress the idea that some fields have better ROIs than others, so take that into strong consideration.

In terms of schools, I am sure both are good. I can assure you however, USF has an excellent engineering program. No worries there.

Good luck with school. Engineering will surely try to kick your ass, but you won't let it (unless you kite all the time and lose focus.... DON'T do that )

If you are at USF, I may see you around.

Scott (on Bob's account)
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