Thread: Red Tide Eyes
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Old 01-09-2007, 11:29 AM
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Default get a leash!

My eyes get trashed sometimes so I tried the Sea Specs. Totally not worth it. #1 They are just regular sun glasses but they are realy good sunglasses!
#2 they fogged up alot.
#3 I lost two pair because the strap broke! One descent size wave or big crash and they're gone. The only way to be sure to keep them is to use some kind of leash. They would , however , be the perfect accessory to compliment the biggest gear head . Add the retractable board leash-impact vest-helmet -weight lifting gloves/hand protector-footees- wet suit-camel back-h20 ipod-6" knife-and your set!
Seriously though, I've resorted to just using cheap $2-3 sunglasses. they block the sun and water and doesnt matter if you loose them. As far as corrective eye wear, Stack, have you thought about Lasic?
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