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Old 08-23-2007, 08:31 PM
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Steve-O Steve-O is offline
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Ok some great dialogue. It only seems from a few, but I am sure more are reading just not commenting.

There are two concerns that I hear.
1. Identifying someone on the beach that isn't with their kite.
2. Identifying someone on the water and their ability.

I feel that the armband concept would be an immediate indicator as soon as someone gets out of the car and starts to set up. It is something that everyone can see and look out for. Again prevention is what we are aiming for. The lack of an arm band would signal a discussion before someone even launches their kite. It may stop a problem before it even starts or at the very least allows for some healthy discussion of the rider in question. I think most new riders will admit their inexperience, but if asked to leave and go to East Beach may be tricky. We'll have to see how it works. We won't know until we try. Everyone should be sensitive to anyone in question.

Like stated before, a newbie can be spotted a mile away when on the water, but not necessarily when setting up their kite and preparing to launch.

I think the armband is the way to go as it covers prevention and shows a unified effort right on the beach. Something that will go a long way when a discussion is brought up with a rider in question. Imagine a new rider being confronted and as they are being spoken with they see all these armbands on other riders. It will be a lot harder for that rider to show resistance.

Again, I think we will have to go with an idea and see how it works. I am certain we will have to tweak it as time passes.

Your thoughts on this are welcome as I am sure some type of decision will be made this Saturday.

By the way.......are we having a race this year?
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