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Old 06-30-2007, 10:13 AM
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Stevil Kenevil Stevil Kenevil is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 171

Chris- Those rules seem to be fair to be able to ride in such a beautiful place, but I am sure that some people will have a problem being regulated, or having to spend a few bucks on insurance coverage.(89.00) With the rapid growth of our sport, this is really the only way to protect it.

The Level 3 certification and insurance requirement is a major plus in protecting this spot from idiots,kooks, and "cowboys"(those who try to learn on their own.) If there were to be an accident, at least the kiter is insured to cover the damages caused, or cost of search/rescue, transport to hospital, etc. , which eliminates the possibility of the park getting sued.

This system also lets park officials and other kiters know exactly who they are on the water with, which will be effective in the event of an accident to identify the victim/notify their relatives. Some of my kiting friends have medical conditions(diabetes, epilepsy,etc.) which is very important to know in an emergency situation, and may aid in the victim getting proper care.

It will also help in a situation where a kiter is not being safe or following the rules- 3 strikes and you're need for arguing or fighting, or showdowns on the forums. Play by the rules and enjoy this place.

As I have said numerous times before, for kiters in Tampa Bay who sign up for the IKO insurance, $8.90 will go to Friends of Ft. Desoto. (Affiliation code I3481). You will be covered worldwide every time you kite, even when renting/borrowing gear.

Chris and crew- Thanks for your continued efforts in maintaining a positive relationship with Crandon officials, I look forward to kiting there again soon!!!!

By the way, what happened at the Virginia Key meeting?
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