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Old 12-02-2007, 07:54 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

Not sure about the physics. All I can say is today's kites are INSANE.
It blows my mind even, trust me.
Just ask anyone who watches me ride the kite if the statements are true, though.
Totally lit doesn't mean overpowered, not to me, anyway.
To me it means I have the power I need to have a blast.

I am totally powered up in 13 knots on my 130 Flexi, doing unhooked tricks on the 14m Era.
I can easily do 10 foot jumps at this wind speed.
At 25, the kite is too litt for unhooked, so I just go huge. Killing power is as easy as sheeting out a little. It's no big deal.

The sweet spot on the kite is right at 17 for me.
At that speed, I can unhook or go huge, it's nice to do one and then the other.

The secret is in the trimming of the kite and in being able to edge hard at it's top end, or edge just the right amount to haul ass in 13 knots and let the kite build apparent wind.
Lots of people (imo) kill their kite's ability to build apparent wind. I only weigh 165, that can't hurt.
I can feel the same way on my 9m Waroo from as little as 16 knots (on small board) up to 30 knots.
Again, I can't explain the physics and today's new kites blow my mind, compared to those of just 2 seasons ago.
I can say, in the light stuff, try to haul ass and build apparent wind.
In the strong stuff, I treat the kite more like a C-kite and try to kill it's power by edging hard upwind.

Plenty of people have witnessed this, so I will just wait for them to say "Yep, been there, seen it"
It's the low end that takes some practice "milking".
Trust me though, if it's blowing solid 13 knots, I will have a huge smile on my face (in flat water, non current situations).

The first time I handed Tom my 15m Hyper (in about 12 knots) he got blown off and had to come back.
I then handed it off to Donna, and she tore it up.
Maybe let's ask Tom how it's possible to be litt in that wind. LOL..
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