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Old 04-15-2010, 09:21 PM
flylow flylow is offline
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Posts: 14

Damium...not being a shark expert, but seeing the brutes, they are like snapping turtles who close their nictating membrane eyes and lunge at any thing near bye. If a group are feeding then like what happened to Steve may happen again. I know a lot of kiters have gone back to the Stuart ocean, but I'll bet they are not T bagging and are careful to stay on their boards going with powered winds. Why not go when the migration is over and decrease our chances of a shark mistake. Years ago during the Vietnam war, they did an experiment where they checked the soldiers hormone levels for fright vs students taking exams. The soldiers had lower levels then the students. Why? Because the soldiers believed the guy next to them would get shot while the students knew how much knowledge they lacked in taking the exams and knew they were going to flunk. So, thinking you are not going to be shark food when 50 are spotted off shore and kiting that day, is kind of risky business in my book. Your hormone levels may be low thinking like the soldiers...that you will live and the guy next to you will be bitten?
Where the hell are the shark experts when we need them? I think the migration must be over. Check with the locals?
Cabrinha SB 8-10-12M 2011
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