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Old 07-17-2008, 01:39 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

I tend to not even consider sharks a threat (in our area). After having said that, the one place I was "chased" by a shark was in the Egmont channel a few years ago. Huge Bull shark. F'r was right on me for at least 30 seconds (felt like eternity). I was doing at least 15 knots, maybe 20. He was easily keeping up, right on my ass, literally 2 feet behind me. I think he thought I was a tarpon (?) I jumped, went downwind, and hauled ass the other way (back to shore). Anyway, after all the time I have on the water, that was the worst in terms of an encounter. I usually don't fear anything out there, cuz frankly around here, not much to fear. But, only a fool would ride in Egmont Channel this time of year, is my take.
You couldn't pay me to swim for 2 solid hours out there, no way. Well maybe 30 grand.. maybe.
I have seen too many big things in that channel from fishing out there though. Even if nothing bit me, I would probably have a heart attack. LOL
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