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Old 02-09-2010, 11:32 AM
robertovillate robertovillate is offline
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Originally Posted by stpetesal View Post
I am still waiting on a call, Mrs. Howard forwarded my phone call to the Safety department, and they are going to call me with an answer either way. I did tell her I would be more than happy to bring some gear and show them just what we have, not much really. I hope I did not open a can of worms, but I would rather know one way or the other so I do not get stranded, if I truly have to be someone where on time. Mrs. Howard said her son Eddie is a kite surfer, so I am sure she is aware of the gear. I usually go with friends so we can use our cars, but as Roberto stated when you are solo it is a great resource, and is great for all if they let everyone use it.
Let me know if you need any help making a presentation or educating them. Also, If we had a way to demonstrate/proove/convince them that - over the last 5+ years i have been riding the trolley with my gear - I have yet to hear of one incident or potential safety issue and that we are all very good at keeping our gear from being a hazard. In fact...we are probably more worried about our gear than our own safety and they don't even have seatbelts on those trolleys, so where do they draw the line? airbags? carbon fibre tubs for each passenger? ejection seats with parachutes would be cool too...but in all seriousness I think we could easily show them that we are not creating a hazard for anyone and that 95% of the drivers who do allow us to ride exercise enough good judgement to permit us to ride.

Maybe if we did a quick poll here:
-how many times have you ridden the trolley with gear?
-how many times a safety problem?
-how many times denied boarding?

Sometimes these people like facts and figures. Seems silly we would have to take this approach, but if that is what it takes I'm happy to do it.
Roberto Villate
4 Winds 7 Seas
PASA Level III Instructor
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