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Old 01-02-2008, 08:01 AM
Tom Stock
Posts: n/a

Well, it's due north all day... T.I. is going to be side off shore and ultra gusty which means if you go down and get slammed in a 40mph gust and hurt you are going out to sea.

It's a tough call today... big wind, big shop and seriously strong currents. Backside is not too bad on a North, but you could still go down in the flats and get dragged into the channel and out to sea also (or at best, to the rocks and sharks 5 miles away). The launch is pretty dangerous there (surrounded by trees) so I am not going to recommend it on a day like today.

There is Indian Rocks where the beach faces slightly North but the current and chop is going to be seriously ripping and eventually you will end up down wind with side off conditions.

If you do a down winder along the beaches just hope to god to don't get into a situation where you can't relaunch because if you do you're screwed! Swim to your kite and try to use it as a sail to get back to shore.

Not sure where I am going to go yet...not even sure if I can hold down my 9 if it climbs to 40 today.

Ideas? Careful out there.
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