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Old 03-16-2008, 12:21 PM
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Danimal8199 Danimal8199 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Clearwater
Posts: 634

I had a small session starting at PAG and was riding to the undertow when I did a water relaunch and my kite caught a crab trap bouy... No bueno for sure. Had to ditch the kite and swim in.

Watched my poor kite relaunch and crash, and relaunch and crash...

I finally got a chance to catch my breath and my buddy body dragged me to my kite which I was able to free and fly back to shore.

Its a miracle nothing ripped tore or was damaged otherwise.

Rode down to the tow, had some beers but didn't see anyone riding there, just a bunch of people passing by on DWers.
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