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Old 09-06-2011, 11:21 AM
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bryanleighty bryanleighty is offline
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Location: St. Petersburg, FL
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Default Almost Kitemare adventure yesterday at Ft. Desoto

So, I've been kiting now for about 7 years. Had a few close calls, have had a bar come apart in the middle of a jump (fun indeed!) but have never had a moment that I seriously thought I could have died on the water.

Until yesterday.

I had just turned back from shore and was heading back towards the sandbar with a lot of speed when another kiter dropped their kite directly in front of me. I had zero time to react.

The next thing I know I do a quick pop and my body goes in between their lines which hit my lines just above my bar. The pressure from their lines throws my kite into an immediate loop. I slingshot directly THROUGH the other kite. Ripped it cleanly in half. One half of it travels with me as I am flying horizontal above the water and slam into the water. I feel my kite starting to pull again and some how I stand up and grab the bar and regain slight control of it.

When I stood up I realized that the other kites lines where wrapped around my neck. I swear that I have never moved faster in my life. I shoved my fingers between my skin and the lines and flung them off me. It was so fast that I didnt even have time to think about "What if" before I was untangled.

From there I was able to remove the other lines that were tangled around my bar and get myself reorganized.

The other rider apparently had been overpowered and had lost control of her kite. It was truly an accident. Thankfully no injuries beyond a good line slice on my legs and line rash marks on my neck. Loss of one kite and a story to tell later.

My biggest fear has always been getting tangled in lines. Guess I can check that one off my list. Next up: Shark attack.

fun times.
Your mother flies a C-kite.

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