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Old 08-23-2007, 01:28 PM
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Steve-O Steve-O is offline
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I like your suggestion. Armbands are a good idea. Instructors will need to make the call when to upgrade them to a self-sufficient rider. I am sure we can get together and hash out the details of that. Simple enough. It will take some time but we have about a month left before the winds really start coming. It may take a little time thorughout the season to iron out the kinks, but overall a great idea.

All other riders in the area that are self sufficient will ride with a seperate color right???? Remember, we need to clearly be able to identify a non locals or locals that shows up, is having problems, and no arm band. Think about it, someone approaches you to launch their don't recognize look for an armband....they don't have sparks a conversation. Maybe you put them up after they convince you they are sufficient....but you still keep a watchful eye. Maybe you don't. Your judgement may then stem a variety of scenerios after that. But at least you had some info before even launching the kite. It may not work 100% but it is definately better than the system we have.

Ok back to the topic of instructor volunteering....

Keeping a watchful eye and doing a rotation I also think will be simple enough to coordinate. Someone will have to be in charge to make sure their is coverage. If all the instructors agree, then I am sure we can come up with a schedule of rotation. I know Matt and his crew from Triton spend alot of time down there. My team doesn't, but I am not saying we can't have a representative when it's our turn. I don't feel the burden should be left to Matt just because he is there alot.

Steve S. and myself will try to spearhead a meeting soon to put something together. Those that want to be involved will. Those that won't won't. Hopefully the kiting community will support those instructors and schools that want to make this happen.

Signs signs....yes let's make some freakin signs already. It's long overdue. It can't hurt. We (the instructors) can get the armband thing going and the coverage. The veterans out there need to continue to discuss the signs and get something to happen. We are so close to this being a reality. We should set a deadline for Oct. 1. I think that is a reasonable timeframe for both projects. If we can send Billy to Cabarete in less than a week, we can pull this off in a month.

I think all those that give input, keep an eye on the big picture.

Instructor watchouts....yes!

Let's not get bogged down by all the details.

I would like to elect Steve S. to be in charge of the instructor meeting. He brought it up, and I would like to see him see it through. I will assist in this area.

Amber seems hot on the armbands. Let's figure out what we want, how much it will cost, and where the funds will come from. I will hit Steve LeVine and WSW and see what he can contribute. Maybe some kite companies can sponser the concept. If we gotta raise funds than we gotta raise it.

Jayson seems to be hot on the sign area. Maybe he can spearhead that. Again content, cost, constructions, and red tape.

Let the ideas flow, let's try not to re-invent the wheel. This could be a hard undertaking, but let's not let it.

We will keep you guys posted about the instructor meeting and how that all pans out.

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