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Old 02-02-2005, 09:39 PM
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ricki ricki is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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I received an update on Claudio this evening. He has been moved to a group ward in the rehabilitation unit of the hospital. He may be discharged in one to two months due to his lack of insurance. He will be required to return for regular physical therapy when he is discharged.

He can move his legs together and is showing some neural activity in his quadriceps muscles. This last point is encouraging for further improvement hopefully leading to restored muscle control. There has been no news of his ability to move his lower legs. Claudio is still healing with regard to his head and rib injuries.

He is engaged in painful and tiring physical rehab currently. Claudio is DETERMINED to work hard through the therapy as he is committed to recovering muscle control and mobility. It is a very trying, painful and slow process. We wish him the very best in swift progress along this difficult path.

Claudio would like to be admitted to the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, more at:

The Miami Project is a well funded, leading institution in the fight to aid victims of paralysis. It isn't open to all applicants but we sincerely hope that Claudio's application will be accepted. Your prayers and positive thoughts in this regard would be sincerely appreciated.

We are ramping up to the next benefit for Claudio, leading up to the South Beach Benefit parties and a raffle. Your participation in this would be very much appreciated. Information on the raffle and current product donations appear at: HERE

It would be good for Claudio to hear from his friends in the kiteboarding community via email. He is limiting actual visitors currently so that he can focus his limited energy upon his rehabilitation therapy. Please send an email of support to Claudio if you will to:

Thank you for your concern and positive thoughts.

Friends Of Claudio Silva
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