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Old 07-26-2006, 05:39 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Palm Harbor
Posts: 21

I ride on Anna Maria and have for a long time. There are only three of us that ride off the Island but the winds are actually good and better than some other places I have been. There are pleanty of places to ride and most are fairly secluded in that there aren't many people there if any at all. The sea breeze blows just about everyday after 2:00pm or so, although that time of years is light everywhere. If you are going out there go to the northen part of the island, that's where the good spots are. Stay away from Bradenton beach and any of the public beaches. We often go off shore a little ways to catch some of the winds out there when it's really light. Where did you fly before when you went down there because I have been flying kites there for a long time, we've probably met.
Good winds to all
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