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Old 05-31-2006, 08:25 AM
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JoshTaylor JoshTaylor is offline
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Originally Posted by toby wilson
Already happened once as everyone knows...almost twice due to the crappy QR on the SS Surefire spreader bar...
speaking of that....

that damn quick release caused my brand new switchblade (12m) to get shreded in corpus.

the spot the games were at was SKETCHY!!! jettys all down the beach like the ones on madiera beach, but they are longer and have more barnacles on them.

I was riding toeside and carved to healside and somehow accidentlly hit the QR on my ss spreader bar, and dropped the kite on a jetty. like 6 rips in the canopy, the leading edge and a strut blew out.

thank god it blew 20+ everyday i was there and had my 7 meter to ride

About the boat.

I'm in to help get it out.

but it's going to be freaking HARD! I was there when we got most of it out.

that thing is in deep and doesn't wana budge
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