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Old 05-06-2012, 08:08 PM
robertovillate robertovillate is offline
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Location: St. Pete, Hatteras, MI
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Well, not surprisingly this thread has quickly evolved from an inquiry about a loose kite incident to the ever so difficult and ongoing debate about regulation and leadership. Maybe it's better to start a fresh thread about this (?).

At any rate I think the issue about leadership and credibility is paramount in any effort to form a well recieved body of regulations. It's a somewhat thankless job to get something meaningful and lasting done - but preferably the individuals involved as leaders are honest people with a solid history of good relationships with everyone. It would also be helpful if they are considered to possess a normal degree of civility and sanity. So in some way there should be a vetting process and a democratic way of putting a few individuals in charge of representing the group.

What you probably don't want is someone in a leadership role who has a history of attacking people for various personal reasons, promoting violence and harrassment, falsely accusing others for their own aggenda, publishing falsehoods and inflamatory messages under multiple aliases, has been banned from various forums over the years, and who basically says "We can treat each other with respect, or I can be a serious pain in your ass - that part is 100% up to you, as it's always been."

Originally Posted by Kiteboarding Tampa Bay View Post
If there is any instructor or business in this area who doesn't like me or talks trash, it's simply because I relayed the message what is asked of us and they chose to be a complete dick rather than just change their ways.
That is the source of every bit of shit ever talked about me right there, and each one of them know it.....

I am going to simply go back to posting my daily adventures on the beach and yes, busting balls whenever necessary. It will be fun and entertaining for the reader, and complete hell for the culprit. I am sure Roberto or Big R will give me an excellent reference...;-).....

I am quite certain that some mystery kiter out there will understand my point and say "that person is not worth the risk to access" and report them. Just by posting the problem and the phone numbers, these people's conciensce will get the best of them knowing that anyone in the community may report them. I will just sit back and laugh, that's my new role....
That an individual can say these things in the same breath seems odd to me to say the least...but considering the source it's no surprise. I've recieved several pages of BS from this source over the years and it's quite comical and disturbing at the same time. I won't bore people here with all of it but I'd be glad to copy anyone on those missives if they are interested. The most important point being - be careful who you put into a position of authority, representaion, or decision making for something you really care about.

It's all too easy to get caught in the whirlpool of BS generated by TBK so this is my final post on this thread. I hope the other rational people involved can get something done amongst themselves and perhaps a fresh thread or another way to organize can be sorted out.
Roberto Villate
4 Winds 7 Seas
PASA Level III Instructor
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