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Old 08-16-2011, 10:09 PM
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KenBrackins KenBrackins is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 43
Default Valid Questions

Steve you have some valid questions and as I usually go out of my way to help newbies I will do my best to answer. The Brown winder is more of a freestyle activity. There is no correct or wrong way to do a BW. I personally like to stop, relax and lower the boardshorts. However on the other hand, my buddy Rob Miller has actually surfed naked which allows one to BW without having to interfere with the session whatsoever. As far as the seat harness or doing a BW with boardshorts in place-this leads to what is known as a "pudding hammock". In my opinion not comfortable nor stylish at all. For some reason, this has even been known to repel the few split tail kiters that happen to be around. As kiting in general evolves, I am sure that there will one day be a higher standard for the Brown winder than we have today, but until then just go for it. Just do what comes naturally. I am currently working on a handle pass spraying BW that will add style points and take the stigma away from the run of the mill BW. I hope this helps and good luck-you can do it!
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