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Old 12-18-2010, 10:21 PM
Unimog Bob Unimog Bob is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Parrish
Posts: 771

Good points, Rando. Simple. Common sense.
After all these years of watching this stuff, I still think the best way to get a good start on this situation is to have all the local instructors agree to some basic riding standards to be followed by themselves as well as their students.

I am not big on rules. Just a few simple ones. Don't jump kids at the beach, don't spray watching unknown bystanders at EB, don't zoom through the swim zone at beach Mach 2 when there are people out there, and stay 2 kite line lengths away from shore in on-shore/side-on conditions. These are common sense to me, to avoid aggravation/injury to bystanders and lessen odds of losing access. Still, I see this stuff all the time.

It's obvious to me that instructors (most are good, but some aren't) influence their students more than any other people. A few bad instructors can have an unreal negative influence on local scenes - as evidenced in Miami.
Instructors can also choose to step it up and make a stand to set a good example. Sort of blows my mind that they have backed away from this request in the past (to list some basic common sense rules and publicly agree to them). It's never too late to step up.
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