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Old 05-24-2010, 03:43 PM
mbs mbs is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: coconut grove
Posts: 24

Great work Kent and ASM! I'm fully in support of the plan. I mostly ride at Crandon and what Cristoph and his crew have implemented over there has been working great. The "rules" are nothing new, just common sense things that everybody should be doing anyways. The only difference is that now there will be some means of official enforcement. I have seen many times at Crandon employees of Cristoph roaming the beach to make sure that kiters have their streamers, and calling people out if they do things that are idiotic. Self policing doesn't work b/c during during my precious riding time when time off from work actually corresponds to wind, I want to be on the water riding, not confronting riders acting unsafe. Matheson's launch is way smaller / more congested than Crandon's and there is much more potential for rider and bystanders to get hurt. Some semblance of official enforcement has worked well at Crandon and should stand to improve the situation at Matheson as well. I will be happy to pay a yearly fee to Kent and ASM for this service - not only to preserve the access, but also to help keep people safe. Now all we need is to get all the rocks off the beach and to truck in some sand. Matt.
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