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Old 05-24-2010, 02:45 PM
greg meintjes greg meintjes is offline
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Location: St Augustine, Fl
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Default happy

I would happily pay $75 a year to not have to be the guy who goes up to and talks to the kiters who are acting like jerks or riding in an unsafe manner. As for the certification, process I have found out that it generally does not take too much time talking and interacting with someone to determine if that person is a competent rider and able to be self sufficient when kiting or someone who is not. There are thousands of kiters out there that have no cards or certificates but are good competent kiters and I am sure that Kent and the guys will have a way to distinguish who is capable or not.

I wish them all the best with this as with all the problems they have up there this is a good thing for kiting. I just hope and do not think this will ever be necessary in Key West.

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