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Old 03-30-2010, 10:47 PM
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Originally Posted by heemskn View Post
This discussion assumes that the kiters that caused the issue knew the rules and purposely broke them. That may be true in this case, but how clear are the rules really? There was quite a bit of discussion recently on this site about kiting inside the buoys near Tampa, and most of that was between experts. So how is a beginner or visitor supposed to figure it out?
Not trying to sound like a a-hole but from following this thread beginner or not it seems when you are riding close to shore and lifeguards are blowing their whistles to wave you away, or authorities on ATV's are trying to get your attention there doesn't have to be anything posted to know to respect authority, IMO, thats a respect/common sense issue. Most beginners at the sound of a whistle and waving life guards might actually come to shore to talk to the lifeguard who could probably explain the rules.

The deal in Tampa is about riding inside buoys that say "No combustion engines" vs a designated swim zone area and deals with a race with 80 people riding through the beach during spring/spring break crowds.

That issue also goes back to common sense, i.e. not riding close to shore with swimmers.

Anyway, I hope this issue gets worked out down there!

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