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Old 03-28-2010, 08:29 PM
robertovillate robertovillate is offline
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Originally Posted by RickI View Post
There is no hesitation, I've spent many hours talking about this very subject with law enforcement on several occasions in a bunch of jurisdictions over quite a few years. Neil has likely spent even more time than me at it in Ft. Lauderdale. It sounds good, logical and easy just like not having this idiotic problem in the first place. The reality is, it often isn't that simple for varying reasons. That doesn't mean we won't keep trying for assistance from law enforcement, because we still are. Just spoke to two officers about this subject in another jurisdiction last week for a couple of hours. They may help or they may not be able to offer much assistance depending on how things transpire. That brings it back to us.
Sounds good, I hope something comes out of these efforts.

Unfortunately it seems like there will always be these "renegades" who make it necessary for others to deal with their idiotic problem. Which is another reason I support turning it over to someone who is paid to handle it.

Good luck getting this sorted over there on the FL East Coast. It's really a shame to see how bad it has gotten. It's too bad that such a prime riding area has become such a "proving ground" for these issues and how to resolve them - but people should be aware that this sort of thing/stupid behaviour can/and does happen everywhere.
Roberto Villate
4 Winds 7 Seas
PASA Level III Instructor

Last edited by robertovillate; 03-28-2010 at 10:49 PM.
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