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Old 03-14-2010, 11:10 AM
kent kent is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 430

Thanks to Chris and Steve O (and others) for all of the work that you put into this event. Too bad the wind didn't work out this time. I'm sure it will come around and we will get off a large scale DW race.

Not being from Tampa, I don't really know who Bayflight is, but I'm pretty she/ he wasn't at the event. Steve O and Chris put out the correct info at the mandatory riders meeting and even indicated that there were individuals posted along the course to insure that riders were staying out of the swim areas.

I totally understand the need to protect our access by conducting ourselves in a manner that portrays us as a positive addition to the local community. I think that Chris and Steve O are doing a great job and have done just this and helped a good cause at the same time. My guys feel so strongly about this that we hit the road at 4:30 a.m. to attend.

Next time there is an event like this in your area, I'd stop by to check it out. I can see how some wording in the written rules may have lead to confusion, but I'm not sure what the heck is in the water up there. The Tampa forum is the only one on the FKSA that individuals can't seem to communicate like humans. A simple PM would suffice and would keep people from looking like cavemen. If you can't get through on a PM then maybe take it to the forum to discuss with other local riders.

We have gotten pretty heated at times with access issues in Miami and we have all (myself included) acted like animals when communicating openly. I will say however that this has generally happened after several meetings, emails, etc., and parties felt the need to take it public for support. Good luck up there and filter your water.

See you guys on the newt NW wind day for the race.