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Old 04-10-2006, 10:56 AM
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toby wilson toby wilson is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Palmetto, FL
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I want to start by thanking everyone who was out at the Skyway yesterday who helped give me advice - you know who you are - Steve, Eagle, Mira, Scott, Raul, etc. - Sorry if I forgot anyone... I finally realized what I was doing wrong!!! I would either try to edge WAY too soon with TOO MUCH weight on my back foot, killing ALL of my power or I would point the board straight downwind and try to work the kite back up to the top of the window before edging ANY. I finally realized that if I pointed the board downwind until I got SOME power and edged just as I was finishing my power stroke and turning the kite back up through the power zone that the lines would tighten up and that would give the kite that little extra speed to get back to the top of the window faster, getting me powered up on the second stroke and easily riding!!! I CAN'T THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH FOR THE HELP, I AM STOKED ABOUT IT - YOU ALL KNOW THE FEELING...

I'm planning on an afternoon session at EB around 4:30 or 5:00 PM, give me a shout if the wind isn't cooperating out there...941-284-0477.

THANKS AGAIN ALL!!!! 8) :twisted:

You can't call me Mr. Green St. Pete anymore!!! :mrgreen: 8)
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