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Old 04-02-2006, 09:39 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

Whoa. So what are the odds of me getting safely lofted just in time to avoid an upcoming shark attack?

If I did the math right, I think that would be .0000000000000000000000000000002 %.
(to get lofting number at any one point in time, I divided 1 by minutes ridden per year)
Think the wind God's will help me out in my time of need and loft me over the jaws of death?
(Hopefully not impaling me on a local channel marker) :shock:

Tom, I shark fish alot in the summer. Its just a big fish to me. The fun is in the fact that blacktips are FAST and POWERFUL for their size and commonly do acrobatic jumps when hooked. Its a blast. I always cut the line, never bring them in the boat. The hooks rust out quickly (I use cheapies) and I have hooked the same shark several times in one outting, so the hooks apparently have no impact on their feeding abilities. You should come out once. Maybe I can upload a vid of Donna reeling in a local "toe biter"? Its a great vid. The shark jumps twice, while doing barrel rolls.
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