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Old 07-08-2009, 05:24 PM
conchxpress conchxpress is offline
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Default rude beach

Greg, do you have a website or email for the appropriate party that we need to contact to express our dissatisfaction with our end of Smathers Beach being considered as a site for a nude beach? We have a nice peaceful area to ride and the local crowd is very courteous to beachgoers. In fact, I think that we draw a spectator crowd that is very supportive and we tend to have very good interaction with them, with everyone explaining the nature and details of the sport to tourists and bystanders. With the presence of the nudies (I'd call them naturalists like they like to be called, but since the beginning of time it has been the nature of people to wear clothes, not the other way around), the atmosphere will assuredly change for the worse. Should we expect a volleyball net in the launch area so we can watch sagging breasts and wrinkled bodies? As I mentioned before, I think that this particular group tends to be very vocal when it comes to their "rights", and I don't think it would be very long before they began complaining that "these kite things" are a danger to sun worshippers. As far as the number 247,000 goes, that would mean there would have to be an influx of 676 new nudies per day. I find that hard to believe. So maybe they get that number from sponsored conventions or something. Could you imagine 3000 or so nude, sun damaged bodies congregating on Smathers? Then there is the element of "gawkers" who would loiter around the beach.
I've seen a lot of posts on different kite forums with problems of access, safety, etc, but never one so bizarre as this. Would it be possible to get a petition going to eliminate Smathers from the running? BTW, what are the other choices?

If this does come to fruition, I'm claiming the sunblock concession. Just selling - not applying.
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