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Old 03-27-2009, 10:01 PM
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Steve-O Steve-O is offline
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Default Attention North County Riders

Hear ye, hear ye!!!! Honeymoon Island as you know is cherished by the North County crew.

It is unwritten, but expected to rig and launch south of the volley ball net on the tip of the island near the channel. Also during spring break, it is frowned upon to ride close to swimmers, give them their room.

In my position, I hear just about everything. With that said, spotted some new folks at Sunset Park. Fresh 12M Caution. Luckily, BIG D convinced them not to launch as the winds were 25+++ and these guys weighed in at 170 or so. Sooooooooo, they decided to go to Honeymoon, rig down by the main beach area and snack stand, loose control of the kite, death spiral through about 100 people, release the kite, and sent everyone running as if KING KONG was stomping down the beach. Doug Fresh, a very seasoned rider, laid into them hard. Real hard. That's what I am talking about. Doug had no idea that these guys were just at Sunset and they shunned the idea of instruction and thought it was throwing money away. I guess it is if you know what your doing.

Be on the lookout for a 12M caution. Owners name Scott. Early 20's, maybe teens.

If you see them, please have them call me. I would love to have some words of wisdom. Doug, Todd, Whiteleather, Brian, Tony, Gui, Danny, Gabe, Chad the list goes on. Let's work together to talk some sense into these guys. They may have done some damage today at Honeymoon.

Hopefully this won't turn into a 13,000 hit rant.
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