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Old 03-20-2009, 08:02 PM
Boschoss Boschoss is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 42

Well its blowing like crazy here (Cocoa Beach)! The wind still has a lot of North to it which will make it really gusty at Cherie Down on the beach. That is supposed to change over night though. If it is still gusty in the morning just do your best to get past the waves and it usually cleans up. The waves are huge! Just finished with some lessons at the 520 slick and had to fully depower my student on a 10 meter and he was still kinda overpowered. The beach was too gusty. I have some waterproof cell phone/MP3 cases for sale ($20) in the shop which I will bring to the start in the morning. The shop will open around 8:30 and I will probably take them to the beach around 9:15 or so. I only have like 4 left so first come first serve. Let me know if you need other last minute items. Looks like it going to be a good race!! Good luck to all the riders! 386-235-9804
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