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Old 03-11-2009, 12:39 AM
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Lonny Lonny is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Coconut Grove, FLA
Posts: 11

Originally Posted by RickI View Post
Hey Lonny,

You're welcome and thanks! I didn't know you hurt yourself. What did you hit? Also, being into losing the straps in a big way. What do you know about health benefits to guys riding strapless with some limited leg, knee and ankle problems? I don't have any myself, thank God, but some folks do. It could be a good motivating factor to shift to your way of riding.
Ahh... No big deal really. Just something sharp and big that I landed on during my heat. Didn't stop to look, as the clock was ticking. It cut open my foot along the ball of my feet, and my arch. Got away without needing stitches so that was good!! All healed up now!

Not sure if I can answer your question competently, but I will give it a shot....

Riding a skim with a bad knee would be pretty tough because the board is very slippery due to the lack of fins and straps. It does take some time to get used to it, and you can easily twist a knee (or worse) learning how to ride one. I think a surfboard is a bit easier for people to transition to without straps because at least you can edge against the fins. Once you get the riding down it is pretty comfortable until you start doing some more advanced tricks. However, pop-shuvits and big ollies can be a terror on knees and ankles. So it really depends. Overall, I never really thought about avoiding injuries when I switched to riding strapless all the time - it just felt like it was the right fit for my style. I like the constant challenge it provides and the additional freedom.
Dedicated to the progression and evolution of strapless kitesurfing!
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