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Old 01-07-2009, 07:52 AM
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Kiteboarding Tampa Bay Kiteboarding Tampa Bay is offline
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He IS the one being responsible and talking about it with the rest of us, because he really wants to make a positive difference.
Kevin wants to talk safety, access, and highlight the positive aspects of the kiting comunity. He's not trying to make a buck or posturing to be #1, his love of the sport is no different than anyone reading this.

We don't get bans because a news crew caught a kitemare, we get bans by sweeping shit under the rug year after year.

Has Kevin's accident caused a ban?
Has the inaction by everyone in this business and the "2 cool for rules" mentality by the rest of us caused a ban?
Yep, every one of them....

Its kinda funny seeing some of these posts, when these voices were nowhere to be found in the WBF and elsewhere, when it came to discussing the real issues that cause bans.

What happened to supporting certified instruction, creating launch site guidelines, and improving retailer responsibility?
Suddenly, every unemployed kiter is qualified to teach kiteboarding?
Oops, my "shop" has a flat tire- gotta run!....
get my point?

Nice rant Pray for Wind, I hear ya! (I bet I could top ya though!)

Rock on Kevin K., glad you're back on the water!
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