Thread: Lassing, police
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Old 05-08-2008, 07:19 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a


Thanks for asking around a little. I know a few people that live there too. They pretty much love watching us ride. A few even set up lawn chairs.
Is it a 10 pm curfew to get out of the park or a 10 pm no parking law?

Until the other night I thought it was a 10 pm curfew on being in the park, because it doesn't make sense to me to be able to park at the park, but not be able to use it. (?).
But, I may have been wrong. I need to look around to see if there is a sign saying get out by sun set. If there is, I never saw it.

If there is a 10 pm curfew as opposed to sunset curfew I am really confused, because I don't think we were making any noise whatsoever and can't figure out what we were doing at all to warrant a cop showing up. I am pretty sure she showed at 9pm, it may have been 9:15.

I guess we will figure this out for sure the next night ride. I still plan on going out as usual, until I get kicked out again.
Not to be an as.s about it or invite getting kicked out, but because I think that was a rare event that one night.
I do think, like we have said, it'd be best to avoid the house on 20th, just to be safe.

If we actually do get kicked out the next night ride, it will be too bad that we do and can't continue to ride there at night. We don't make much noise out there and in some ways I think we serve as semi-watch dogs for anything unlawful in the park when we are out there.
I know if I lived across the street, I would feel better knowing there were 4 to 6 guys in the park (law abiding citizens).
We rarely make noise once the sun goes down, especially when we get close to the people's houses to de-rig. At least not nights I have seen.

Oh well, we will see what happens.
Thanks for asking around a little.
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