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Old 04-23-2008, 10:28 AM
Optionryder420 Optionryder420 is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 314

You definitely asked the wrong place about Roberto.

I know you all recall the mistreatment that was dished out towards Roberto.
I remember his car getting keyed by some other kiters, I also remember all the disrespect he used to get from other instructors. It's one of the few reasons why I no longer kite.

I'm guessing kite4life or whatever is Steve, and I can still see he's a little bitch about Roberto. If I remember correctly, the two largest instigators last time there were problems with Roberto, were Steve and Bryan Eagle. I remember them being the two prime suspects for the keying of the car, along with other problems that they forced upon Roberto. It came as no surprise that he's already flinging shit on this thread about Roberto.

Roberto is definitely a stand up guy, which is much better than I can say for a few other instructors in the area.

You'll learn that in this area, there are a few GREAT guys to go out to the beach and kite with, but unfortunately I feel that the ass holes far outnumber the guys that are fun to kite with.