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Old 04-14-2008, 07:04 PM
kent kent is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 430

18 inches is fine Big R. The length really only matters when heading off the wind in large chop. A longer board allows you to draw out the nose scoop enough so that there isn't an abrupt change of angle causing the board to stick in the troughs. The key is the straighter outline and the flatter tail rocker. Damo's board is really only 18.5 inches wide.

We just got back from traing in Texas and learned quite a bit about new race boards. I just hope a few more people get them so that racing can take off in Florida like it has elsewhere. The added benefit is that most rider will be fully powered in 10-12 MPH. The event this weekend had lulls to around 8 and we could still plane through them.

I like the shot of all the kites in front of the sail boats. That pic is almost perfect, if only we could delete the orange kite it would be a work of art! Great pics Rick. Maybe we will see you next week.

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