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Old 03-20-2008, 10:02 AM
Tom Stock
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by RickI View Post
Why are there still skateboard parks

ALL these activities were confronted by bans in their day. Why do they still exist?
Huh??? Who wants to skate in the same stupid park every day.


The parks are all we have left.

How is that a proactive win? It was a reactive "damn we can't skate anywhere anymore".

And WTF Toby, last I checked you were one of the people riding in the swim area at PAG right after the "Stay out of the swim zone" thread along with a dozen other guys.

So what exactly are you doing to help if you can't even stay out of the swim area? Oh a tag would have made a difference right.

I do my part. I try to stay outside the swim area and stay the F@#$ away from the surfers.

Every surfer on the gulf coast is looking at that website now thinking kite surfers are total kooks.

They are totally 100% right.
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