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Old 02-19-2008, 03:00 PM
Tom Stock
Posts: n/a

Just wanted to say... I don't care about people riding near shore, just where they do it.

We all cruise the shoreline once in awhile, it's no lie and I'm no angel either. But cruising the shore line at big beach or shell island for example is different than doing it at PAG, T.I., or sunset. Basically if there are kids or people anywhere near the shoreline or in the water I stay the hell away from them. Bans aside, the last thing I need is a lawsuit or the lifelong feeling of guilt when my lines drown an 8yr old. I also don't want a group beat down when I tangle with a surfer. There is no stoke to share when you wrap your lines around their neck. I can't tell you how many times I've broken a line on a botched jump or kite loop and had to swim in, lines dragging, kite tumbling through the surf and been crapping my pants as I am approaching a bunch of young swimmers. Wrapping my lines as fast as I can hoping to god the kite doesn't launch and start looping before I can wrap 20 feet of one line.

When I was young I didn't give a crap about anything ... kids were a nuisance. I drove fast and didn't give a f@#$.

Then a friend of mine hit and killed an 8yr old when he was driving too fast. He had to face the parents, and the kid had a brother and sister. He still has trouble dealing with it. That was 20 years ago.

So hey use good judgment and be accountable for your actions.

Sounds like we are all working on this.
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