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Old 02-04-2008, 12:35 PM
RM3001 RM3001 is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: North Tampa
Posts: 102
Default Tried it.

Tried Jon's technique with my Cabrinha Omega in light winds. It worked really well but not sure about trying it in heavy winds just b/c if something did go wrong it seems like you would have less control than leash/single front-line combo. It was kinda nice having my lines not get all messed up though.

Since starting kiting last May, I've tried to read everything I can and every little bit of information helps. I'm still surprised though by the lack of consensus on self launching/self landing. These are probably the 2 most important aspects of kiting safety to have down solid yet the methods are still widely disputed and surprisingly often not taught in lessons.

Much more needs to be done in this area in order to make this sport safer for everyone. The old adage of "Always have someone launch/land you" is just not realistic. Stuff happens and for a variety of reasons you are forced to launch/land yourself and hopefully through discussions like this we can work towards making some forward progress.
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