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Old 12-16-2007, 08:54 PM
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its actually a 5- 9 x 18 x 2.125 quad fin squash tail setup

it is an upwind machine, on waves is very slashy / turny, yet the quad fins
really hold the edge extremely well

I was on a 9m which was slightly overpowered for the directional but the 132 custom twintip could easily hold that much power or more. I suspect it was 25 gusting a little more.

I'm used to 3 straps but I think I can easily adjust to 2 straps ( mostly gybe , switch feet ). I think most people would just go toeside.

Comparing it to the flat rocker thin railed 5-5 directional I would ride before, I would say much more fun! more upwind, WAY MORE SURFBOARD LIKE! it gets thru any whitewater or faces easy and accelerates straight downwind ( this is important ) onto a wave without stalling.

Need some more wave time on it to really comment on it compared to the 132 TT I normally go in waves with, I think the possibillties are there.........

I was gifted it from here

seems like alotta people in the Gorge are using these from what I saw over there

I think it might even be more fun strapless, I'll try that next
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