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Old 10-02-2007, 04:38 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

I just found the article by back tracking the reporters name on google.
The article had several misquotes from me, and imo, distorts statistics to make kiting look dangerous.
I wouldn't care so much if I didn't think it could sway public perception, but obviously it can.

One : I said most riders average age is between 25 and 35, not all riders. Heck, I am 40! Howard is 65.
Not a biggie to most, but I am a stickler for getting people's words correct and made an effort to break down the population by age, sex, etc. To me, this just shows lack of attention to detail and not caring about accurate reporting.

Two: I said Chris would have lessened his odds of injury by not being near the powerlines. The size of the kite (which I don't even know) is irrelevant and I didn't mention it. I focussed most of my discussion on location.
I also stressed that as a new rider, knowing about local weather would be very difficult and that only made matters worse and that the gust event caught him off guard. I went on to say (not related to this event) that in most situations, riding a distance offshore gives any rider more time to respond to a non-anticipated event.
I didn't say Chris in particular. It might sound like I am splitting hairs, but it's a misquote.

Third: I pointed out I didn't want to point the finger, especially to a new rider that was injured, but that I felt the accident could be avoided. Again, I focussed on the object and powerline, and made it clear new riders have little experience with weather.
The quote sounds much more harsh than I remember.

The video was edited to the best of light in my opinion (if focussing on the accident). Julie obviously wanted to focus on Chris's accident and that it was indeed an accident, not a common occurence.
We spent much more time demonstrating the safety gear (don't know why now) than talking about Chris.
I guess they have to focus on something. The accident has been in the spotlight, it was still the focal point.
I expected a little different, still naive at 40, I guess.
Anyway, just want people to know the scoop on what was said and then what was represented in the article.

I am intersted, btw, accidents are on the rise?
One is one. I guess one is larger than zero?

My conclusion, these guys are in it (writing articles) for the headlines and not in it for providing accurate information. Misquoting or distorting quotes for a "better" story is wrong. I am frustrated that my effort to provide accurate information was distorted.
I was concerned about this when Rick contacted me about giving the interview (why I CMA'd on prior post).
But, I did it anyway. I won't make that mistake again.

Last edited by Skyway Scott; 10-02-2007 at 05:19 PM.
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