Thread: I must be cool?
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Old 09-19-2007, 07:59 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

Yep, I agree too.
I also know residents in two of the waterfront properties.
They happen to love watching us and you guys might notice one group (usually 2 to 4 women) out on their lawn chairs about 5 houses from the SW tip watching us quiet frequently. You might have also noticed that the same guy runs each night (with the camel pack at 6pm), the lady with the rott that loves to chase us, the ladies in dresses playing tag football (that's an interesting sight), along with many other regular night joggers, walkers and bikers doing their routine in and around the park. The good thing about having them there most every night is that if we are cool, they can vouge for that if a one time freak accident happens and cops/ambulances show.
The corollary to that is that they can say the opposite, if we don't act accordingly out there.
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