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Old 08-21-2007, 11:55 AM
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Steve-O Steve-O is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: largo
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I spent the day at East Beach yesterday. Hotter than hell I might add. Did do a lesson early in the morning. Only one rider out there to deal with.

I don't plan to solve the world's problems here, but I do want to say this. I don't teach at the skyway, and I don't teach even at East Beach on the weekend, or a crowded weekday. I definately make the effort to drop a boat in the water and go elsewhere to keep it safe for students and riders alike. It is not convenient, but the positives far outweigh the negative. After walking through the muck yesterday morning during my lesson, I realized how spoiled I am teaching on firm sandy bottoms up north county. I think my last lesson down in the St. Pete area may have just been completed.

I also want everyone to know that we put each student through a very informative and intense 2 hour class at the shop going over all kiting theory, dangers, protocal, weather, terms, rules of the road, and really hark on how to venture into the sport especially before and after lessons. That's 2 hours of info before they even fly a kite. This is where I see alot of problems occuring. EDUCATING STUDENTS ON WHAT TO DO BEFORE AND AFTER LESSONS. I have put together a very thorough 40 page packet and ride guide of the entire Tampa Bay area analyzing each spot. We go over the guide in detail. I also point out the hazards or riding the Skyway area, and many other areas, and that beginners should not even think about going to these places until they can stay upwind and have solid control. I do promote East Beach on less crowded days as being there best place on Easterlies and using the specific places in the Gulf on westerlies. IMO those two places are the ONLY places newbies should go to get there skills up before venturing to other spots. I could go into more detail, but you get the idea.

Finally, I am purchasing an even larger boat to handle more students and instructors for the 07/08 season. The goal is to keep it safe for everyone. 100% of our teaching will occur behind the scenes if you will and out of your way. I believe strongly in this.

I am very proud of the program I have put together at the shop, I couldn't imagine doing it any other way. I took alot of heat when I signed on to teach this sport, but I think many are beginning to see the light and just how serious I am taking this responsibility.

If you support the vision of this program then support us into some very interesting times for all. It's all about keeping it safe.


ps. Toby....I have only taught 4-5 lessons this entire summer. 15mph or more=excellent lesson do the math.
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