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Old 08-21-2007, 07:02 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

I hope he is not hurt too bad, sounds like otherwise. I too feel bad, but honestly, am somewhat pissed. I was just telling Bob the prior night this was coming real soon.

Listen guys, this is just my opinion, but one that I feel strongly about and hope to convince others to see my way. I know Steve and some others already agree, but I wish more would act out against "cowboys" trying to learn on their own.
If you see a guy who is obviously clueless (I don't know if he was, 'cuz I wasn't there) trying to do stuff on his own, don't hesitate to point him out and tell others and then as a group say "hell no, you ain't riding" or "hey, get the hell off the water" in a firm but informative/caring way.

It's one thing to be nice to new riders who are struggling with the basics yet go out aways from shore, do the right thing, and aren't totally clueless.
It's a whole other ball of wax to tolerate a "time bomb" and allow him to jeopardize his own health and our riding spots.

I wasn't there, so I have no clue what this guy looked like or if it was obvious.
I noticed there were a couple FHP officers just hanging around Sunday night watching.
That spot (SW) is one that could be closed the fastest, imo, because it is property of D.O.T. and we had a kite about 4 years ago go in the road. We were told point blank that the next kite in the road would be the last.

What kind of board was he on? I know a guy that showed up earlier with a particular brand board asking about lessons and had already purchased a board and seemed very gung-ho.

Sad story and hope he is not hurt too bad. I really do believe this is one area (totally clueless guys showing up.. if this was the case) where we need to agree to ban together and say "no ride today, buddy" regardless of the naive guy's "rights".

Does this sound reasonable? I personally have zero problem approaching a clueless guy and politely telling him no way. If he then attempts further kiting, it simply won't happen if I am there because of the obvious and inherent threats.
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