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Old 07-14-2007, 09:38 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a


That is really bad and very sad to hear this. Hope you heal up soon.

I am confident that foot injuries among us St. Pete riders (bad injuries, not just a paper cut) is up around 20 or so and is more common than any other injury. I have seen personally at least 8 guys filet (literally) their foot wide open, or have a shell go 2 to 3 inches straight into the foot. I have heard stories of at least 12 other incidents and talked to the guys later about it. Billy alone has had 5 or 6 bad foot injuries.

I am sure your injury Jayson is as bad or worse than mine, but I had a similar thing happen about 3 years ago. The doctor told me that foot injuries like that tend to be the most painful of all injuries due to deep pressure receptor nerves in that area. (He told me this AFTER he put needles etc. in the area to remove the little pieces of shell).
I believed him, because I have never been in so much pain as that day. In comparison, my doctor told me I'd really need pain killers for my knee surgery. LOL... that was nothing in comparison. I bet an exposed tooth nerve is possibly the worst, but you get my point.
I hope it heals up and the pain goes away. Bleeding that much and going into shock sucks, but that probably lessened your odds of infection (?)

In terms of booties, I don't know. I just know I walk extremely lightly out there and at East Beach. And actually, if possible, I never touch the bottom. Obviously when walking you can't walk on water.
The worse thing you can do, imo, is land on your feet if botching a jump.
Land on your butt in my advice. I have never worn booties though either Raul, because of your reasoning. But, I also have been cut bad several times. I think either way you are kinda screwed, is my opinion.

Hope you get well and soon Jayson.
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