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Old 05-21-2007, 01:11 PM
Fullwood Fullwood is offline
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Location: Clearwater
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by RickI View Post
This wasn't that remarkable a dive although the drift with the current did stretch it out a bit. So much about deeper free diving is technique. As you kite you are probably already in good shape which helps as well. Knowing how to breathe up or prepare helps as does being able to thoroughly relax during the dive. With some training and practice many folks can do 60 to 100 ft.+ dives in a fairly short period of time. I used to think it took quite a bit more time to improve depth and duration. A recent course with Martin Stepanek has me rethinking this. This first day in the pool he had several of us holding our breaths for 3 minutes + just by altering our technique. I am planning a couple of articles on Martin and his program, it is pretty incredible.
That'd be interesting. I love to freedive, mostly rivers and such, so depth isn't anything big, but being down for more than 30 seconds would be great.
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